
a Volumetric MRI Viewer

Languages /  Libraries Used: C++, OpenGL, GLSL
Team Size: Individual
Personal Role: Everything
Development Time: ~ 9 weeks

Description: In addition to the the Ray Tracer assignment in CG2, we were encouraged to take on an independent project throughout the quarter as sort of a research opportunity. The project was required but the focus was up to us to decide, within reason. For my research project, I chose to expand upon the domain introduced to me during my Software Subsystems class and featured above on this page: MRI Imaging. The product of this research project, VolTex, is the spiritual successor to the project I began with a team of students nearly 2 years earlier and takes the data visualization task to full three-dimensional glory.

Users can load a number of freely available MRI data sets both in binary form or in an open-source format readily available around the net. With this data, VolTex allows you to do relatively complex density masking operations such as eliminating bone, eliminating flesh, isolating certain materials etc. Rudimentary transfer functions are also present to allow the user to color specific regions of the data set how they see fit. And normals are reconstructed dynamically based on density gradients to allow for full Blinn-Phong lighting of the model as it is currently being displayed.

Here are some screenshots of what VolTex is capable of:

Or - even better - videos!

Also, as an academic research project, the full report, source code and optional power point on the application is available.